Arlo Camera Not Recording? Here’s What To Do

If you’re having trouble with your Arlo camera not recording, don’t worry, there are steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue effectively. In this article, we will guide you through the troubleshooting process and help you get your Arlo camera back to recording your important moments.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ensure you have an active Arlo Secure subscription.
  • Check if your camera is online and if any filters are applied in the Library.
  • Verify the mode and rule settings to ensure recording is enabled.
  • Try resetting the camera or contact Arlo support for further assistance.

Reasons why your Arlo Camera is not recording

If you’re facing issues with your Arlo camera not recording, there can be several reasons behind it. Understanding these reasons will help you troubleshoot the problem effectively. Here are some common factors that may be causing your Arlo camera to stop recording:

  1. Subscription Status: Check if your Arlo camera is part of an active Arlo Secure subscription. Having a valid subscription is essential for continuous recording.
  2. Internet Connectivity: Ensure that your camera is within range of your Wi-Fi network. Poor internet connectivity can interfere with the camera’s ability to record events. Try resetting your router to resolve any connection issues.
  3. Outdated Firmware: Regularly check for firmware updates for your Arlo camera. Outdated firmware can cause recording problems and impact overall performance.
  4. Power Supply Problems: Low battery levels or inadequate power supply can prevent your Arlo camera from recording. Make sure that the batteries are fully charged if you have a battery-powered camera. For wired cameras, check the power adapter and cables for proper functionality.
  5. Mode and Rule Settings: Incorrect mode and rule settings can disable recording on your Arlo camera. Review your camera’s mode and rule settings to ensure that recording is enabled based on motion detection or other triggers.
  6. Extreme Temperatures: Install your Arlo camera in a suitable environment. Extreme temperatures can affect the camera’s performance, including its ability to record events. Ensure that the camera is not exposed to extreme heat or cold.

By addressing these potential issues, you can resolve the problem of your Arlo camera not recording and ensure that it functions optimally.


Potential Reasons for Arlo Camera Not Recording

Reason Description
Subscription Status Ensure an active Arlo Secure subscription and proper camera association.
Internet Connectivity Check Wi-Fi range and stability, reset the router if needed.
Outdated Firmware Regularly update firmware to avoid recording problems.
Power Supply Problems Ensure sufficient battery levels or proper wired power supply.
Mode and Rule Settings Review and adjust mode and rule settings to enable recording.
Extreme Temperatures Install the camera in a suitable environment, avoiding extreme temperature conditions.

How to Fix Your Recording Issue

If you’re experiencing a recording issue with your Arlo camera, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the problem. Follow the suggestions below to get your camera back to recording smoothly:

1. Power Cycle Your Arlo Camera

First, try power cycling your Arlo camera. Disconnect it from the power source or remove the batteries, wait for a few seconds, and then reconnect the power source or reinsert the batteries. This simple step can often resolve minor glitches and restore proper functionality.

2. Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure that your Arlo camera has a stable internet connection. Weak or intermittent connectivity can prevent recordings. Make sure your camera is within range of your Wi-Fi network and check for any potential interference. Restarting your router or modem can also help establish a strong connection.

3. Update Your Camera’s Firmware

Outdated firmware can sometimes cause recording issues. Check for any available firmware updates for your Arlo camera model. Keeping your firmware up to date is essential for optimal performance and functionality. Consult the Arlo app or the Arlo website for instructions on how to update the firmware.

4. Verify Your Camera’s Settings

Double-check that your camera’s settings are configured correctly. Ensure that the recording feature is enabled and that motion detection or other triggers are appropriately set. Incorrect settings can prevent your Arlo camera from recording as desired. Refer to the user manual or Arlo support resources for guidance on adjusting the settings.

5. Reset Your Arlo Camera

If the previous steps didn’t resolve the recording issue, you can try resetting your Arlo camera to its default settings. This will erase any custom configurations you’ve made, so make sure to note down your settings beforehand. Instructions on how to reset your specific camera model can be found in the user manual or on the Arlo support website.

If you’ve followed all these steps and your Arlo camera is still not recording, it’s recommended to reach out to Arlo support for further assistance. They have dedicated professionals who can help troubleshoot and provide additional solutions to address your specific issue.


Steps Action
1 Power cycle your Arlo camera
2 Check your internet connection
3 Update your camera’s firmware
4 Verify your camera’s settings
5 Reset your Arlo camera

Internet connectivity issues

Unstable internet connectivity can be a common reason why your Arlo camera is not recording. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

1. Ensure a stable connection

Make sure that your camera is within range of your Wi-Fi router and that the Wi-Fi signal strength is sufficient. This can be done by placing your camera closer to the router or using a Wi-Fi range extender if needed.

2. Restart your router and modem

Sometimes, a simple restart can help resolve connectivity issues. Turn off your router and modem, wait for a few seconds, and then turn them back on. This can help refresh the connection and resolve any temporary network problems.

3. Check for network interference

Other devices or appliances near your camera or Wi-Fi router can interfere with the signal strength. Keep your camera away from such devices and ensure that there are no physical obstructions between the camera and the router.

4. Update network settings

Check the settings of your Wi-Fi router and make sure they are optimized for a stable connection. You may need to adjust the channel settings or enable features such as Quality of Service (QoS) to prioritize your camera’s data traffic.

5. Run a speed test

Ensure that your internet speed meets the minimum requirements for Arlo camera recordings. Run a speed test on your internet connection using an online tool or a dedicated speed testing app. If the speed is below the recommended range, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to address the issue.

Internet connectivity

Steps to Resolve Internet Connectivity Issues
Ensure a stable connection
Restart your router and modem
Check for network interference
Update network settings
Run a speed test

Outdated firmware

One of the common reasons why your Arlo camera may not be recording is due to outdated firmware. Firmware is the software that runs on your camera and controls its operations. Over time, manufacturers release firmware updates to enhance camera performance, address bugs, and introduce new features. If you have outdated firmware on your Arlo camera, it can cause recording problems.

To resolve this issue and ensure optimal camera performance, it is essential to check for any available firmware updates for your specific Arlo camera model. You can easily do this through the Arlo app or by visiting the Arlo website. Look for the “Firmware” or “Software Update” section, where you can find the latest version of the firmware for your camera.

Once you have identified the latest firmware version, follow the provided instructions to update your camera’s firmware. This typically involves downloading the firmware file and initiating the update process through the Arlo app or a web browser. During the update, it is crucial to avoid disconnecting the camera or interrupting the process to prevent any potential issues.

Updating your Arlo camera’s firmware is an effective way to address recording problems and improve overall camera performance. By ensuring that your camera is running the latest firmware version, you can take full advantage of any enhancements and bug fixes provided by the manufacturer.

Outdated firmware

Power Supply Problems

If your Arlo camera is not recording, one of the potential issues could be related to power supply problems. Insufficient power can prevent your camera from capturing and storing footage effectively.

If your Arlo camera is battery-powered, start by checking the batteries. Ensure that they are fully charged or replace them if they are old or faulty. A weak battery can hinder the camera’s ability to function properly and record events.

For wired cameras, it’s crucial to inspect the power adapter and cables connected to your Arlo camera. Make sure they are securely plugged in and not damaged or frayed. Faulty connections or damaged cables can disrupt the power supply to the camera, resulting in recording issues.

To provide a continuous power supply for your Arlo camera, consider using a weatherproof magnetic charging cable. This type of cable ensures a stable and reliable power source, preventing any interruptions in recording.


Power supply problems

Can Changing Wifi Network Affect Arlo Camera Recording?

Yes, changing Wyze camera wifi can affect Arlo camera recording. If the wifi network is changed, the Arlo camera may lose its connection to the network, resulting in interrupted or lost recordings. It’s important to ensure that all cameras are properly connected to the new wifi network to maintain uninterrupted recording.

Mode and Rule Settings

If your Arlo camera is not recording, the issue could lie with incorrect mode and rule settings. To troubleshoot this problem, start by reviewing the mode and rule settings in your Arlo app. Ensure that the selected mode allows for recording based on motion detection or other triggers. Adjust the settings as needed to make sure your camera is set to record when it should.

By fine-tuning the mode and rule settings, you can resolve recording issues and ensure that your Arlo camera captures the desired events. Taking the time to adjust these settings will enable your camera to respond effectively to motion detection and triggers, leading to accurate and reliable recordings.

Remember, motion detection is a crucial feature that relies on optimized mode and rule settings. Take advantage of the flexibility provided by your Arlo camera to customize and tailor the settings to your specific needs. By harnessing the power of accurate motion detection, you can ensure that your camera is always ready to record and capture the moments that matter.

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