Roomba Not Charging: What To Do

If you’re facing the frustrating issue of your Roomba not charging properly, don’t worry! We’re here to help you troubleshoot and resolve this common problem. Our expert tips and guidance will get your Roomba back up and running smoothly in no time.

Roombas are efficient and reliable home cleaning devices, but occasionally, charging issues can arise. Whether your Roomba is not starting a charge or stops charging prematurely, we have gathered essential information from various sources to compile a comprehensive list of solutions for you to try.

Before you panic or consider replacing your Roomba, let’s explore some troubleshooting steps to address the charging problem. By following these simple steps, you can potentially fix the issue and have your Roomba back to its cleaning duties.

Key Takeaways:

  • Perform a soft reset or reboot the Roomba to address software-related issues.
  • Clean the contacts on your Roomba and the charging station for improved charging.
  • Check and clean the wheels of your Roomba to ensure proper connection with the charging station.
  • Make sure the battery is properly seated and aligned within your Roomba.
  • Consider moving the charging station, replacing the battery, or contacting iRobot customer support for further assistance.

Troubleshooting Steps for Roomba Not Charging

If you’re facing the issue of your Roomba not charging properly, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the problem. This section will guide you through the process of troubleshooting your Roomba charging issues and getting it back up and running smoothly.

Clean the Contacts

One common issue that can prevent your Roomba from charging is dirty contacts. Cleaning the metal charging contacts on your Roomba and the charging station can help improve the charging process. Ensure there is no dirt or debris blocking the connection between the contacts.

Clean the Wheels

In addition to cleaning the contacts, it’s essential to clean the wheels of your Roomba. Accumulated dirt and debris on the wheels can cause the Roomba to ride too high, making it challenging for the contacts to establish a secure connection with the charging station. Make sure to remove any fiber or debris from the main driving wheels and the unpowered caster wheel in front.

Reboot Your Roomba

If cleaning the contacts and wheels doesn’t resolve the charging issue, try rebooting your Roomba. Performing a soft reset can help resolve software-related issues that may be causing the problem. Refer to your Roomba’s user guide for specific instructions on how to reboot your particular model.

Reseat the Battery

If your Roomba still won’t charge, it’s possible that the battery is not properly seated inside the vacuum. Check if the battery is aligned correctly and securely in its place. Ensure there are no plastic tabs preventing the battery from making proper contact. For older Roomba models, you may need to turn it upside down, remove the screws for the battery cover, and reposition the battery carefully before securing it back in place.

Move the Charging Station

If all else fails, try moving the charging station to a different location. Sometimes, the placement of the charging station can interfere with the charging process. Ensure that the charging station is in a clear, accessible area for your Roomba to establish a connection and charge effectively.

Replace the Battery

If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps mentioned earlier and your Roomba still refuses to charge, it may be time to replace the battery. Over time, the battery can deteriorate and lose its ability to hold a charge. Contact iRobot customer support for guidance on purchasing and replacing the battery with a genuine replacement.

If none of these troubleshooting steps resolve the charging issue with your Roomba, it’s recommended to contact iRobot customer support for further assistance. Their knowledgeable support team can provide additional guidance and solutions to get your Roomba charging again.

Clean the Contacts for Improved Charging

If your Roomba is not charging properly, one of the most common causes could be dirty contacts. Over time, dirt and grime can accumulate on the metal charging contacts of both your Roomba and the charging station, interfering with the charging process. To ensure optimal charging performance, it’s important to keep these contacts clean and free from debris.

To clean the contacts, follow these simple steps:

  1. Turn off your Roomba and unplug it from the charging station.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth with water and gently wipe the metal charging contacts on your Roomba.
  3. Next, dampen the cloth with rubbing alcohol and use it to polish the contacts until they are clean.
  4. Repeat the same process for the metal charging contacts on the charging station.
  5. Take care not to use too much liquid to avoid damaging the contacts.

Cleaning the contacts regularly can help improve the connection between your Roomba and the charging station, ensuring a more efficient charging experience. It’s recommended to clean the contacts every few months or whenever you notice a buildup of dirt or grime.

For a visual reference, take a look at the image below:

Cleaning the contacts

Benefits of Cleaning the Contacts Steps to Clean the Contacts
  • Improved charging efficiency
  • Enhanced battery life
  • Prevention of charging interruptions
  1. Turn off and unplug your Roomba.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth with water.
  3. Gently wipe the metal charging contacts on your Roomba.
  4. Dampen the cloth with rubbing alcohol.
  5. Polish the contacts until they are clean.
  6. Repeat the process for the charging station.
  7. Avoid using excessive liquid.

By following these steps and keeping the metal charging contacts clean, you can ensure that your Roomba charges efficiently and continues to provide reliable cleaning performance.

Clean the Wheels for Better Connection

When your Roomba is not charging, one troubleshooting step you can take is to clean the wheels. Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate on the wheels, causing changes in the height of the Roomba. This can make it difficult for the contacts to establish a secure connection with the charging station, leading to charging problems.

To clean the wheels effectively, start by removing any fiber or debris from the main driving wheels and the unpowered caster wheel in front. This will ensure that there is no interference that could hinder the Roomba’s ability to make a connection and start the charging process.

By keeping the wheels clean and free from debris, you can improve the overall performance of your Roomba and help prevent any further interference with charging.

Steps to Clean the Roomba Wheels
1. Turn off and unplug your Roomba.
2. Flip your Roomba upside down.
3. Carefully remove any dirt, hair, or debris from the main driving wheels and the unpowered caster wheel in front.
4. Use a soft cloth or brush to gently clean the wheels.
5. Ensure that the wheels are free from any obstruction.
6. Flip the Roomba back to its normal position.
7. Plug in and turn on your Roomba to check if the cleaning process has improved the charging connection.


Regular maintenance and cleaning of the wheels can help maintain a strong connection between your Roomba and the charging station. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your Roomba continues to charge efficiently and effectively.

Reboot Your Roomba for Software-related Issues

Sometimes, the issue of Roomba not charging can be related to software rather than hardware. In such cases, performing a soft reset or rebooting the Roomba can help resolve the problem. The method to reset your Roomba may vary depending on the model you own. Refer to the user guide for specific instructions. Generally, holding down the Home, Spot Clean, and Clean buttons simultaneously can initiate a reset. For older models, such as the 600 or 800 series, you may need to wait until you hear a beep after pressing the same buttons.

If you’re experiencing software-related issues with your Roomba, a soft reset or reboot can often provide a quick and effective solution. This process allows the Roomba to restart its software and clear any potential glitches or errors that may be preventing proper charging. By following the correct reset procedure, you can give your Roomba a fresh start, allowing it to function optimally and resume its charging functionality.

Soft Reset Steps for Roomba
1. Identify the model of your Roomba (e.g., 600, 800 series).
2. Consult the user guide for specific reset instructions.
3. Generally, hold down the Home, Spot Clean, and Clean buttons simultaneously.
4. For older models, wait until you hear a beep after pressing the same buttons.
5. Release the buttons and allow the Roomba to complete the reboot process.

Performing a soft reset is a straightforward procedure that can help address various software-related issues that may impact your Roomba’s charging capabilities. By following these steps, you can give your Roomba a fresh start and potentially resolve any software glitches or conflicts that may be causing the charging problem.

Reseat the Battery for Proper Alignment

If your Roomba won’t charge, one possible reason could be that the battery is not properly seated inside the vacuum. It’s crucial to ensure that the battery is aligned correctly and securely in its place.

If you have a brand new Roomba, check for any plastic tabs that may be preventing the battery from making proper contact. Remove these tabs to allow the battery to establish a secure connection.

For older Roomba models, you might need to take a few additional steps. Turn the Roomba upside down and locate the screws on the battery cover. Unscrew these screws to remove the cover and access the battery. With caution, reposition the battery carefully to align it correctly, and then securely screw the cover back in place.

It’s important to note that an improperly aligned battery can hinder the charging process, causing your Roomba to not charge properly or at all.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to reseating the battery:

  1. For new Roombas, remove any plastic tabs that might be obstructing the battery’s contact points.
  2. For older Roombas, turn the vacuum upside down and locate the screws on the battery cover.
  3. Remove the screws and carefully lift off the battery cover.
  4. Make sure the battery is aligned correctly and securely in its place.
  5. Carefully screw the battery cover back in place.


Additional Solutions: Move the Charging Station, Replace the Battery, Contact iRobot Support

If you’ve tried all the previous troubleshooting steps and your Roomba is still refusing to charge, don’t worry – there are a few more solutions you can explore. First, you can try moving the charging station to a different wall outlet. Sometimes, the outlet itself may be the problem, so a change in location could make a difference. Additionally, make sure that the outlet is not controlled by a wall switch. It’s important to have a consistent power supply to facilitate proper charging.

If your Roomba’s battery has been in use for a long time, it’s possible that it has deteriorated and can no longer hold a charge effectively. In this case, you have the option to replace the battery. You can order a new battery directly from iRobot, ensuring compatibility with your Roomba model. Alternatively, you can explore other reputable brands that offer compatible batteries for Roomba vacuums. A new battery can often revive your Roomba’s charging capabilities and extend its overall lifespan.

If all else fails and you’re still experiencing charging issues with your Roomba, it’s advisable to contact iRobot customer support for professional assistance. Their team of experts is well-equipped to handle a wide range of technical issues and can provide you with personalized guidance to resolve the charging problem. They may be able to offer additional troubleshooting steps specific to your Roomba model or provide recommendations for further action. Don’t hesitate to reach out to iRobot support and get your Roomba back on track.

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